Because we know that the way is not easy, we can help you to do it.

It is true that we should not be obsessed with our physique, but it never hurts to become aware of who "we are" and "where we are", regarding health. In Bariatric Vision we are committed to support you and accompany you on this path, you will surely have many questions:

  • What to do to lead a healthier life?
  • Why do I get sick so easily?
  • I would like to lose weight and no diet has worked for me?
  • Have I had physical limitations that prevent me from living my life fully?
  • Would I like to improve my self-esteem?

We are sure that we can help you, we have a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience that will solve all your questions and will be happy to support you in your progress.

Calculate your BMI

Procedures Gastric Bypass & Roux
Procedures Mini Gastric Bypass
Procedures Gastric Sleeve
Adjustable Gastric Sleeve
Procedures Revision and
Conversion Surgery
Procedures Others
Procedures Gastric Bypass and Roux

Gastric Bypass is a restrictive and poorly absorptive surgery, which consists of separating the stomach into two parts, a small one called (gastric reservoir) and the rest of the stomach remains the same, later it is measured 1.5 to 3 meters from where the intestine begins in distal and this is incised to stick its distal part to the small gastric reservoir and in this way when the patient eats several things happen:

Less appetite for splitting the stomach (hormonal effect) and less ability to store food (restrictive effect) Joining the distal part of the intestine to the stomach gastric reservoir will decrease the absorption of fats, sugars and other nutrients that will be replaced with complementary nutritional supplements. In this way, the calorie intake decreases and weight is gradually reduced, thus improving comorbidities (diabetes and hypertension, among others).

Request your free weight loss consultation in Bariatric Vision at 81-81-04-16-80 or 81-83-68-78-92 or through WhatsApp at +52 1 8182539238.

Procedures Mini Gastric Bypass

The Mini Gastric Bypass, or Gastric Bypass of an anastomosis, combines some of the properties of a Gastric Sleeve and a standard Gastric Bypass. The stomach is divided into two parts creating a (small gastric reservoir) that later joined with the small intestine at an average distance of 2 meters to act.

The Mini Gastric Bypass can be used in patients who have had previous gastric surgery such as Gastric Banding, Gastric Sleeve, but have NOT had success with weight loss, or who have had gastric band or sleeve related complications and require surgery revision.

How does the Mini Gastric Bypass work in Weight Loss? The gastric mini-bypass procedure helps you lose weight in different ways:

  • By sectioning the stomach, the sensation of hunger decreases through the hormonal mechanism, influencing the centers of hunger and satiety of the brain.
  • The smaller stomach allows a feeling of satiety and fullness when eating a healthy-sized, portioned meal (restriction mechanism)
  • By bypassing the small intestine, calories and nutrients are absorbed in the second half of the small intestine, thus reducing absorption and gradually losing weight (absorptive mechanism).

Request your free weight loss consultation in Bariatric Vision at 81-81-04-16-80 or 81-83-68-78-92 or through WhatsApp at +52 1 8182539238.

Procedures Gastric Sleeve

Restrictive procedure that consists of removing 80% of the stomach leaving a stomach tube, with a capacity of 100 ml., In this way the patient can eat a small amount of food without altering the intestinal transit and thus be able to regain his ideal weight.

The procedure is performed by Laparoscopy (Minimum Invasion), which implies very small wounds, less postoperative pain and a short hospital stay. With the gastric sleeve, it is expected that one year after the operation, the patient will lose the maximum excess weight. Improvements can be seen in other coexisting diseases, such as high cholesterol or triglycerides, insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or sleep apnea, among others.

Request your free weight loss consultation in Bariatric Vision at 81-81-04-16-80 or 81-83-68-78-92 or through WhatsApp at +52 1 8182539238.

Procedures Adjustable Gastric Band

The purpose of the Adjustable Gastric Band is to reduce the capacity of the stomach, (restrictive) which in turn reduces the amount of food you can eat.

As a result, patients who have this surgery eat less, feel full faster, and stay full longer. Ideally, these behaviors will lead to significant long-term weight loss.

One of the most recognized benefits of this procedure is that the Gastric Band is Adjustable.

The procedure can be reversed. No irreversible anatomical changes are made. (This is perhaps the most significant differentiating factor between Adjustable Gastric Banding and other Bariatric Surgeries.)

Request your free weight loss consultation in Bariatric Vision at 81-81-04-16-80 or 81-83-68-78-92 or through WhatsApp at +52 1 8182539238.

Procedures Bariatric Surgery Review and Conversion

While most patients are successful after their first Bariatric Surgery, some may experience medical complications, or fail to achieve the estimated weight loss results, or have re-gain weight, so you and your doctor may consider what to do. called "revision surgery in complications or conversion in case of weight loss.

The surgeon will perform a new type of weight loss procedure that would potentially lead to better results over time.

Request your free weight loss consultation in Bariatric Vision at 81-81-04-16-80 or 81-83-68-78-92 or through WhatsApp at +52 1 8182539238.

Procedures Otros

In Visión Bariátrica we are experts in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy) As we take care of diseases related to obesity and overweight

Such as:

  1. Hernias (umbilical, inguinal, and abdominal wall)
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux
  3. Gallbladder lithiasis

Request your free weight loss consultation in Bariatric Vision at 81-81-04-16-80 or 81-83-68-78-92 or through WhatsApp at +52 1 8182539238.

Meet the Team

We are a highly qualified team of specialists with extensive experience

Dr Chapa
Meet the Team Dr. Raúl Chapa Váldez
Dr. Raúl Chapa Valdez has more than 30 years of experience, graduated as a Surgeon and Midwife Physician from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), specializing in General Surgery in the High Specialty Medical Unit # 25 (IMSS).

He has performed multiple procedures by Laparoscopy, having more than 30 years of experience in minimally invasive surgery as well as performing advanced procedures in Bariatric, Metabolic and Robotic Surgery for 20 years using the da Vinci Si® system of Intuitive Surgical®.

  • Certified by the Mexican General Surgery Council (CMCG).
  • Certified by (CMCG) in Bariatric Surgery.
  • Member of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity And Metabolic Disorders (IFSO).
  • Member of the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases (CMCOEM).
  • Member of the Mexican Association of General Surgery (AMCG).
  • Member of the Mexican Association for Endoscopic Surgery (AMCE).
  • Member of the Latin American Federation of General Surgery (FELAC).
Dr. Arnaldo Rafael Sarabia
Meet the Team Dr. Arnaldo Rafael Sarabia

Dr. Arnaldo Rafael Sarabia Sanjuanelo is a Medical Surgeon and Midwife Physician from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), he has a Specialty in Internal Medicine from the Christus Muguerza Hospital endorsed by the University of Monterrey (UDEM). Pneumology subspecialist, performed at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) and endorsed by SSA

It belongs to Multiple Associations such as:

  • Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery.
  • Latin American Association of Pneumology and Chest Surgery (ALAT).
  • European Society of Pneumology (ERS).

Dr. Sergio Licón Barraza
Meet the Team Dr. Sergio Licón Barraza

Dr. Sergio Licón Barraza, in addition to being a Surgeon and Midwife Physician from the University of Monterrey (UDEM), has a Specialty in General Surgery performed at the High Specialty Medical Unit # 25 (UMAE / IMSS) endorsed by the University of Monterrey ( UDEM), Sub-specialist in Advanced Laparoscopy, also having the following diplomas completed at the Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers de l'Appareil Digestif (IRCAD) in the City of Strasbourg, France.

* Minimally Invasive Inguinal-Ventral Hernia & CAWR Surgery
* Advanced Course in Laparoscopic & Endoluminal Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery
* Robotic Surgery & Robotic Bariatric Surgery, Intuitive Surgical

In addition, it has a Postgraduate Degree in Advanced Laparoscopy (Minimum Invasion). Endorsed by the University of Strasbourg (Unistra) in France, doing training at the Civil Hospital of Strasbourg, as well as at IRCAD France (Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers de l'Appareil Digestif).

He has multiple publications and participations in National and International Congresses of Endoscopic Surgery, Endorsed by the Mexican Council of General Surgery (CMCG) and member of multiple Associations.

  • Certified by the Mexican General Surgery Council (CMCG)
  • Member of the Mexican Association of General Surgery (AMCG)
  • Member of the Mexican Association for Endoscopic Surgery (AMCE)
Dr. Joel Omar Jáquez Quintana
Meet the Team Dr. Joel Omar Jáquez Quintana

Dr. Joel Omar Jáquez Quintana is a Medical Surgeon and Midwife from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), has a Specialty in Internal Medicine carried out at the University Hospital "Dr. José Eleuterio González ”endorsed by theUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). Subspecialist in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, performed at the University Hospital and endorsed by the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), also having a High Specialty Degree in Advanced Digestive Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Certified by the Mexican Council of Gastroenterology and the Mexican Council of Digestive Endoscopy, he has multiple medical publications and participations in multiple National and International Congresses, being an active member of the following Associations:

  • Mexican Association of Gastroenterology.
  • Society of Gastroenterology of Nuevo León.
  • Mexican Association of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
L.N. Elena Quevedo Garza
Meet the Team L.N. Elena Quevedo Garza
The Nutritionist Elena Quevedo Garza has a Degree in Nutrition from the Tecmilenio University, has a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition from the Universidad del Valle de México (UVM) and a Diploma in Nutrition Specialized in Obesity Surgery from the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases AC (CMCOEM).
Meet the Team Lic. Adriana Loa Almaguer
Graduated from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL)
Diploma in Systemic Brief Therapy
Diploma in Bariatric Psychology
Member of the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases, A.C.
Therapist / Teens / Adults

Emotional and behavioral aspects such as anxiety, depression, stress, addictions, eating disorders, as well as stages of development, separation, grief, among others, are addressed. In the case of Bariatric surgery patients, Psychoeducation is provided to modify eating habits for weight control, the patient is accompanied in this process of change to meet their goals with emotional stability.
Sara Eguía Ledezma
Meet the Team Sara Eguía Ledezma

Our Bariatric Coordinator, Sara Eguía Ledezma, has 17 years of experience in the Logistics and Patient Coordination / Hospital Institution processes, she has worked with multiple specialties such as Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery, Hematology and Traumatology.

In Bariatric Vision is our direct link with Insurers, Financing Companies and carries out the Planning and Coordination of our Foreign and Foreign patients.



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